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Rabbi Jordan Gendra Molina

Rabbi Jordan Gendra Molina, Ph.D. Rabbi Gendra Molina is the first Spanish-born rabbi since the Inquisition and comes from a converso background. He has worked with the Jewish Federation of New Mexicoā€™s Sephardic Heritage program since November 2018. He was ordained at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), holds a Ph.D. in Medieval Jewish History (Universitat de Girona), and a masterā€™s degree in Linguistics and Semitic Languages (Universitat de Barcelona). He speaks over 15 languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, English, Hebrew, French, Romanian and others. He has served as rabbi of Temple Beth Shalom (Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania) and Congregation Bā€™nai Tikvah-Beth Israel (Sewell, New Jersey), and taught a Wilson College and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. His academic publications focus primarily on medieval Spanish Judaism and include ā€œLes Responsa de Rabbi Simo ben Tsemakh Duranā€ [The Responsa of R. Simon B. Tsmakh Duran] (Lleonard Muntaner, 2001).
