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10 Weeks – 10 Prayers: The Kiddush

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

Watch the recording of this session here:

Delve into the words of the Friday night Kiddush, the blessing made over wine, to sanctify Shabbat.

This class is part of a 10-part series with My Jewish Learning, delve into ten of the most important prayers and blessings in Judaism.

Additional dates, topics, and teachers:

Havdalah: Wednesday, March 31 (Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum)
Modah/eh Ani: Tuesday, April 6 (Rabbi Shefa Gold)
Shema: Thursday, April 15 (Rabbi Adina Allen)
Amidah: Tuesday, April 20 (Rabbi Elie Kaunfer)
Lecha Dodi: Tuesday, April 27 (Rabbi Joel Hecker)
Kaddish: Tuesday, May 4 (Rabbi Elie Kaunfer)
Asher Yatzar: Thursday, May 13 (Rabbi Adina Allen)
Aleinu: Thursday, May 20 (Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum)
Shehehiyanu: Tuesday, May 25 (Rabbi Shefa Gold)


Joel Hecker, Ph.D.

Joel Hecker, Ph.D., is Professor of Jewish Mysticism at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, and is among today’s most prominent scholars of kabbalah. He is the author of Volumes 11–12 of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, the first complete annotated translation of the Zohar, the central and canonical text of Jewish mysticism. Dr. Hecker has been a fellow at the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania; Visiting Research Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem; Visiting Instructor at the University of Pennsylvania, the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Yeshiva University; and lectured at a range of universities, adult-education institutions, as well as synagogues of all four major denominations. He holds a B.A. in English literature from the University of Toronto, rabbinic ordination and Master’s Degree in Jewish Philosophy from Yeshiva University, and a doctorate in Judaic Studies, specializing in Jewish Mysticism, from New York University.
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