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From Judeans to Jews

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

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In this class with My Jewish Learning, Yael Weinstein will take us on a journey back in time, to the era of the Hasmoneans— the dynasty that emerged after the Maccabean victory retold in the Hanukkah story. Together with Yael, uncover the question of how did the “Judeans”, a group of people tied to the land, become the “Jews”, a people distinguished by their religion?


Yael Weinstein

Yael Weinstein, M.A., Director of Community and Online Learning, has been an educator and director of Adult Education programs since 2009 when she joined the Melton community in Colorado. Before joining Melton, she earned her Master of Arts degree in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University in 2006, focusing on the topics of Antisemitism and Jewish Identity. While at Brandeis, Yael had the opportunity to work as a teaching assistant for Dennis Ross, former US Ambassador to Israel, for his course on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Yael is the author of the Crossroads of Jewish History course and has revised Beyond Borders: A History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. In addition to her faculty and curriculum work, Yael was the Director of Adult Jewish Education at CAJE in Colorado and the Director of Melton at the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando.
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