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The DNA Reunion Project at CJH: A Conversation with Genealogists

Hosted By: The Center for Jewish History

Tune in for the official launch of the DNA Reunion Project at the Center for Jewish History, a new worldwide effort by the Ackman & Ziff Family Genealogy Institute to reunite families separated by the Holocaust. Jennifer Mendelsohn and Adina Newman, professional genealogists with a niche expertise in Ashkenazi Jewish genetic genealogy, will discuss prior cases they have solved using DNA, including identifying the unknown father of a baby born in a concentration camp, tracking down the biological family of a toddler found in a Polish orphanage after the war, and identifying the unknown father of a child survivor of Theresienstadt. That child survivor, Jackie Young, will join Mendelsohn and Newman in a conversation moderated by Daniel Mendelsohn, author of The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million.

The DNA Reunion Project at the Center for Jewish History will make commercial DNA kits available free of charge to Holocaust survivors or their children and will serve as a central genealogical resource where survivors with complex case histories can avail themselves of expert genetic genealogical consultation. Learn more about how DNA testing can restore family to a population ravaged by genocide and find out how to apply or support this vital initiative.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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