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Artist Liat Segal: Technology, Intimacy, Alienation & Identity

Hosted By: Orange County Community Scholar Program (CSP)

In this 3-part series, the Orange County Scholar Program will step into the fascinating worlds of contemporary artists who blend age-old traditions with today’s technologies. Each episode brings to life a different story, from art made using cutting-edge tech, memories captured in tangible forms, to the timeless beauty of old-school calligraphy. Meet three incredible artists who are giving a fresh twist to how we see and understand art.

Session #1 – Tuesday October 17, 2023
Liat Segal – Technology, Intimacy, Alienation & Identity
Contemporary Media artist Liat Segal observes human existence in an age of Big Data and asks questions about intimacy vs. alienation, control, identity, memory, presence, and communication. In her art practice, she is materializing the digital, using software, electronics, mechanics, and information as materials. Segal will share about her trajectory, practice, and works, including the artwork ‘Impossible Object’ that was launched to the International Space Station (ISS), where it was activated while orbiting Earth 420 KM above ground. Segal will also share a sneak peak to her upcoming shows to be exhibited in LA in 2024, combining data pulled from the current events in Israel. Liat Segal, a contemporary media artist, fuses together art and technology. Graduated M.Sc. studies in Decision Analysis and Complex Systems (Minerva Schools KGI, San Francisco, 2017) and M.Sc. in Computer Science and Biology (Tel Aviv University, 2007). Segal worked as a researcher at Microsoft Innovation Labs and today she is a faculty member at the Bezalel School of Arts and Design. Her artworks have been exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide, including the Israel Museum (Jerusalem) and Bundeskunsthalle Museum (Bonn), as well as onboard the International Space Station. Segal is the recipient of the Minister of Culture and Sports Award for Plastic Arts, Israel, as well as the Jury Selection Award by the Japan Media Arts Festival.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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