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The Hidden Strength of Vulnerability: The Past, Present and Future of Joseph and Judah

Hosted By: London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS)

Locked in rivalry and driven by destiny, the two radically different biblical personalities of Joseph and Judah almost destroyed their family, and the nascent nation of Israel. Instead, both discovered the hidden strength of vulnerability and saved one another. This strength resurfaces with their descendants in the Purim story.

Using the latest research and clinical practice, as well as a deep dive into Tanach text, we will explore the power of being vulnerable.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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Shabbat Hazon & Shabbat Nahamu

The Sabbaths before and after Tisha B'Av provide a message of comfort and consolation.

Haftarah for Devarim

Isaiah charges the people with rebellion against God.

Haftarah for Re’eh

God promises to rebuild and restore Zion.
