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Jews on the Small Screen: Laughing at Jews, Laughing with Jews

Hosted By: Orange County Community Scholar Program (CSP)

This series delves deep into the ever-evolving portrayal of Jewish identity, both its challenges and triumphs, in the medium of American television. From the early endeavors to introduce Jewish culture to mainstream audiences and the complex legacy of antisemitism in post-World War II America to the power of humor in shaping Jewish narratives and the transformation of Jewish female characters beyond traditional stereotypes, these sessions weave together a tapestry of cultural understanding
Laughing at Jews, Laughing with Jews
I. Antisemitic, Philosemitic, Allosemitic
II. Die Yiddishe Mama
III. Seinfeld’s Rabbi”

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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Lost and Found: An Airplane and a Bar Mitzvah

My husband and I are binge-watching  Lost , a 2004-2010 TV series. An airplane crashes, leaving survivors stranded without rescue ...

Interfaith Families

With intermarriage an acknowledged part of the American landscape, the only remaining debate is how to respond to interfaith unions.

Yiddish Revival

Once considered the language of an older generation, Yiddish is now being embraced by hip twenty- and thirty-somethings.
