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Kissing Girls on Shabbat: A Q&A with Author Dr. Sara Glass

Hosted By: Hey Alma

In Sara Glass’ new book, “Kissing Girls on Shabbat,” the therapist and author recounts her journey to self-acceptance as a Jewish lesbian — after growing up in a Hasidic community in New York City.

Join us on June 20 for an enlightening online conversation with Dr. Glass on her book — which will be available June 11— and the development of her multifaceted identity.

“Kissing Girls on Shabbat” is part memoir, part inside story of the inner world of New York’s Hasidic Jews. Glass shows how community members are forced to grapple with pleasing their community or being true to one’s self when it comes to issues that everyone may face — divorce, raising children, mental health crises, and more.

Find the book on Simon and Schuster or Amazon and bring questions of your own for Dr. Glass.


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