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Jewish Journaling with Hey Alma

Hosted By: Hey Alma

Hey Alma will host an online Jewish Journaling class focused on reflection and creativity during the High Holidays. The session offers participants guided prompts and exercises to explore themes of Jewish identity and personal growth. This interactive class is designed for all levels, from beginners to experienced journalers.


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Rabbi Dov Linzer On Science & Halakha

This past Wednesday night, Rabbi Dov Linzer, the Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah spoke at NYU’s L’SHMA Lecture Series ...

New Podcast Discusses the Intersection of Sex and Halakha

The first episode of “The Joy of Text” may make you blush. If it does, you’re likely its target audience. ...

Real Live Learning Opportunities: Yeshivat Hadar and Limmud NY

Lots of things are great to do online. I love paying my bills online (well, maybe love is an overstatement), ...
