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Off the Daf: A Talmud Book Club

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

Join My Jewish Learning’s editor Dr. Rachel Scheinerman for a unique book club with a Talmud twist!

Whether you study Talmud regularly or are new to it, this book club is great on its own or as a supplement to Daf Yomi study. Every other month, we will feature fiction and non-fiction selections with a Talmud theme. Sometimes the author will join us in conversation!

Our first book is the recent winner of the National Jewish Book Award and the Rabbi Sacks Book Prize: Madwoman in the Rabbi’s Attic by Gila Fine who will join us live to share her perspective and to answer questions in what’s sure to be a lively conversation.

Sign up to join the club which will meet every other month, and you’ll receive emails for each new book we’ll be reading as well as Zoom links to join the discussions!


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The Jewish Spiritual Path to Character Development

We humans come factory-equipped with latent godly qualities and the capacity to actualize them through our words and actions. 

The Book of Eicha: Faith in a Whirlwind

At the core of Lamentations is an expression of faith in the human capacity to survive in a broken world.

The Gentle Heart in Israel Today

Extending a biblical exemption from military service to Israeli refuseniks.
