

Beis Oholei Chabad-Lubavitch
Burial site of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem M Schneerson, which has become a pilgrimage site

Center for Jewish Studies at Queens College
An outreach and research agent that serves as a bridge between the academic Program and the community

Central Queens YM-YWHA
A Jewish community center offering recreational, educational, cultural and social services

Havurat Yisrael
An Orthodox synagogue in Forest Hills

Hillcrest Jewish Center
A Conservative synagogue

Israel Center of Conservative Judaism
A Conservative synagogue created from the merger of three congregations

Little Neck Jewish Center
A Conservative synagogue

Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council
An association of 30 synagogues and other religious, education, fraternal and community organizations

Queens College Hillel
The campus student organization at Queens College

Queens Gymnasia
A Jewish day school

Queens Jewish Agencies Coalition
An umbrella organization that includes two Y’s, six Jewish Community Centers, and eight community services arms or Queens branches of citywide agencies

The Queens Jewish Community Council
A network of more than 30 Synagogues, Temples and individuals of all denominations working together for the people of Israel

Rego Park Jewish Center
A traditional Conservative synagogue

Solomon Schechter School Of Queens
A Conservative Jewish day school with grades K-8

Temple Gates of Prayer – Congregation Shaara Tefilla
An egalitarian Conservative synagogue

Temple Israel of Jamaica
A Reform synagogue

Temple Sholom of Floral Park
A Reform congregation

Vaad Harabonim of Queens
An Orthodox rabbinical council

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Acheinu: We Are One Family

The words of this ancient prayer speak eloquently to the dire situation of Jews held in captivity.

Kiddushin 72

The capital of going astray.

Kiddushin 79

Proving priesthood.
