Academic Institutions


Academy for Jewish Religion (California)
A transdenominational, pluralistic institution dedicated to the training of rabbis, cantors, and chaplains

The Academy for Jewish Religion (New York)
A New York-based nondenominational rabbinical seminary

American Jewish University
A Los Angeles-based university of Jewish studies and rabbinical seminary affiliated with the Conservative movement

Ariel University of Samaria
An academic institution located in Ariel

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Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry
A cross-disciplinary organization of individuals whose research concerns the Jewish people throughout the world

ATID – Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions
An institution in Israel which aims to foster new and significant thought on the crucial issues facing Jewish education

Baltimore Hebrew University
A school of Jewish Studies

Bar Ilan University
An Israeli university that mixes Judaic and secular studies

Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law?s Program in Jewish Law and Interdisciplinary Studies
Brings together scholars of varied legal traditions and fields, creating a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary dialogue that contributes a distinctively Jewish perspectives on issues in law and culture

CET Academic Programs – Jewish Studies in Prague
A Jewish learning experience which involves immersion in Czech culture

The Conservative Yeshiva
A Jerusalem-based institution of advanced learning affiliated with the Conservative movement

Darche Noam and Midreshet Rachel v?Chaya
Jerusalem-based colleges of Jewish studies

A full-time college in Jerusalem for advanced Jewish learning designed to inspire Jewish women to maximize their potential

The Florence Melton Adult Mini-School
An international network of community-based schools offering adults the opportunity to acquire Jewish literacy in an open, trans-denominational, intellectually stimulating learning environment

The Goldstein-Goren International Center for Jewish Thought
Promotes the knowledge and research of Jewish thought both in Israel and around the world

Gratz College
A Philadelphia-area school of Judaic studies and adult education

Hebrew College
A Boston-area school of Judaic studies, adult education, and rabbinical training

Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion
The Reform movement’s flagship university and rabbinical seminary, with campuses in Cincinnati, New York, and Los Angeles

Hebrew University
A Jerusalem university attended by many English-speaking college students on study-abroad programs

International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism
The intellectual and education arm of the Internation Federation of Secular Humanistic Jews

Jewish Data Bank
A repository of social scientific studies of North American Jewry

The Jewish Theological Seminary
The Conservative movement’s flagship university and rabbinical seminary, based in New York

The Kaminer Center for Distance Education
The distance learning department of the Jewish Theological Seminary

The Lookstein Center
Promotes the advancement of Jewish education in the Diaspora

Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies
Attracts young Jews from around the world who wish to explore Jewish learning and experience Israel

The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies
A Jerusalem-based nondenominational institution of Jewish studies

Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
The Reconstructionist movement’s flagship university and rabbinical seminary, based in Philadelphia

Schecter Institute of Jewish Studies
A Jerusalem-based institute of advanced Jewish studies affiliated with the Conservative movement

Provides an opportunity for high school graduates to explore the richness of classical and contemporary Jewish sources and the many dimensions of Israel and discover the relevance of both to their lives during a one-year stay in Israel

Siegal College
A Cleveland-area school of Judaic studies, adult education and distance learning

Skirball Center
Links liberal Jews to Jewish study that is meaningful and relevant

Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies
A Chicago school of Judaic studies and adult education

Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
An intellectual center in Israel for the study of philosophy, society, culture and education

Yeshivat Birkat Moshe
A yeshiva in Ma?ale Adumim

Yeshiva Tiferes Menachem
A New York-based men’s school of Jewish studies affiliated with the Chabad movement

Yeshiva University
Modern Orthodoxy’s flagship New York-based university and rabbinical seminary

Yeshivat Chovevei Torah
A New York-based Modern Orthodox rabbinical seminary


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