
Leviticus 9:1-11:47


Read the full text in Hebrew and English here: Leviticus 9:1-11:47

In this Torah portion, God commands Aaron and his sons to make the burnt and sin offerings at the Tabernacle. When God accepts the offerings, the people shout with joy. God describes to Moses the laws of kashrut, making distinctions between land animals, birds and animals in the water.

Click here for a summary of Shemini
Click here for a summary of the Haftarah
for Shemini.

kosher cow
Cows are permissible to eat.

Text Studies

Social Action and Environmentalism

Role Models for Leadership
Michelle Wasserman, Hillel


Giving Sensibly
Adina Gerver, AJWS

Learning From Our Mistakes
Rabbi Neal Loevinger, KOLEL

Considering Our Food Choices
Rabbi Elliot Kukla, AJWS


Boundaries, Sanctity & Silence
Rabbi Cary Kozberg, Union for Reform Judaism


Lessons From the Pig
Beth Kalisch, AJWS


Alcoholism & the Nation of Priests
Rabbi Carl Perkins,


An Abundance of Fish
Candace Nachman, Canfei Nesharim



From the Denominations

Pluralism and Outreach

Kashrut After Refrigerators
Rabbi Bradley Artson, American Jewish Unversity


Time & Place for Spontaneity
Rabbi Shimon Felix, Bronfman Youth Fellowship


The Role of the Elders
Rabbi Avraham Fischer, Orthodox Union


From Regulation to Relation
Rabbi Kerry Olitzky, Big Tent Judaism


Holiness is Life
Reuven Kimelman, CLAL


Death, Grief & Consolation
Beth Freishtat, UJA-Federation of New York 

Family and Fun

The Deepest Response to Love
Blu Greenberg, Women of Reform Judaism




Parashat Shemini for Families
Torah Topics for Today


Actions Have Consequences
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Reason is Lost in Anger
Torah Topics for Today


Parashat Shemini Quiz
Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies


Parashat Shemini Challah
Julie Seltzer


Return to the index of weekly Torah portions.

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