Hamas in Gaza


Ali Waked reports that the Hamas raid on the Hilles clan compound marks the completion of the June 2007 revolution, as Hamas no longer has “any rivals and certainly not any armed pockets of resistance.” (YNet)

But Khaled Abu Toameh says, “Hamas has one more challenge to face: the notorious Dughmush clan, also based in Gaza City.” (Jerusalem Post)

Britain’s willingness to talk to the IRA unconditionally eventually led to a political resolution, but is that really applicable to Israel-Hamas? (Ha’aretz)

Yossi Alpher concludes that the economic war against West Bank and Gazan Palestinians has failed, and indeed, “starving Gazans is plainly counterproductive�. (Forward)

Michael Freund bangs the drums: “Israel should move to topple the Hamas regime, and arrest and try its leadership”–and then let Israelis who were previously expelled rebuild back in Gaza. (Jerusalem Post)


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