Religion and Atheism on Mass Transit


The British Humanist Association is getting ready to run some ads on London buses that reassure those who have lost their faith.  “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.”atheistbus_copy.jpg
Richard Dawkins is quoted as saying that the ads will make people think, “and thinking is anathema to religion.”  You’d think the religious community would be up in arms, but really they’re just embarrassed that the atheists are so late to the game.  I mean, Islam has been on both buses and subways for ages now.cta_bus_ad.jpg  islam_subway_ad.jpgAnd God leaves us notes on billboards, so it’s only fair that atheists should be included in the mass transit mix.


Picking up religion (or throwing it off) isn’t something I really associate with my morning commute, but I admit I’m amused and slightly intrigued by all of this.


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