It’s the day after a fatal shooting of a security guard in the Washington Holocaust Museum, and the Jewish world is abuzz. Here’s what we’re reading (updates at top).
* LIVE FEED — Press conference on Washington Post.
* JTA’s FunderMentalist’s commentary on Russian oligarch Leonid Nevzlin’s statement about the murder.
* Jezebel gives us more information than we ever wanted to know about the shooter, including his candidate in the last election (Ron Paul), what kind of computer he uses (he’s a PC guy), and information about his book, “Kill The Best Gentiles,” which is every bit as Protocols-centric and Holocaust-denier-ish as one might imagine.
* The New York Times has a comprehensive report of what actually happened, as well as updates on the shooter’s current medical condition at George Washington University Hospital.
* Jewschool offers a brief but fitting comparison and commentary between the museum shooting and the recent shooting of an abortion doctor in Wichita.
* Vos Iz Neias News has a brief profile of Stephen Tyrone Johns, the guard who actually stood in the assassin’s line of fire to protect others. Also, some huge words of praise, blessing, and consolation from some of the holy Hasidim in the comments section.
* David Saperstein, head of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism,led a discussion about the incident on