Rent In Manhattan Is Expensive


I guess rent is expensive everywhere. But in Manhattan, especially, I would not wish these rent bills on my worst enemy. And for that reason, I’m here to offer my couch.

Thanks to a lot of pressure from Shmuley Boteach, among others, Libyan President Muammar Gadhafi will no longer be staying in Englewood, New Jersey while he is in the country for the United Nations General Assembly. Seems unfair, I know. Why is it that Michael Jackson got to be close with Boteach but not a ruthless dictator?

Instead, Gadafi will be in Manhattan (because there are no Jews in Manhattan?). But as I said before, rent is expensive. Hotel rooms are even worse. And in this recession, countries should be cutting back on their budgets. Why do you think Gadafi wanted to stay in a tent rather than a house?

So, Mr. Gadafi, I’m offering you my couch. I haven’t spoken with my roommate about it but I’m sure he’ll be fine. We offer free wireless and cable (no HBO though, sorry). Plus an HDTV. All you have to do is provide your own towel and make dinner some nights.

Oohh…and if we’re out of town for the High Holidays, seriously, no house parties.


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