Full of Hate, or Too Nice?


A few days ago a friend sent me a link to this site, and my head has been spinning ever since. There is a lot to see at The Geulah Company, but so far my favorite thing is the button I was originally directed to.
The Geulah Company suggests other things that you may want to substitute for VERY CRITICAL:

A Nag, Afraid of People, Argumentative, Arrogant, Bitter, Complaining, Conceited, Condemning, Controlling, Cowardly, Critical, Cruel, Degrade People, Dishonest, Distant, Easily Angered, Eat Too Much, Fake, Fault Finding, Full Of Hate, Grouchy, Haughty, Impatient, Inconsiderate of Others, Insolent, Irrational, Irritable, Lazy, Lie A Lot, Make Fun of People, Mean, Nervous, Noisy, Nosy, Not Nice, Obnoxious, Paranoid, Resentful, Revengeful, Rude, Sad, Sarcastic, Secretive, Self-Centered, Self-Important, Selfish, Severe, Shy, Sloppy, Stingy, Talk Too Much, Too Neat, Too Nice, Too Strict, Unemotional, Unmotivated, Unreasonable, Unreliable, Wasteful, Whiny, Withdrawn, Worried.

Is it me, or is that list eerily similar to the Ashamnu prayer?

Also, I really like the idea of walking around wearing two buttons, one saying “By Nature I’m Full of Hate” and the other saying “I’m really a nice person but sometimes I can be too nice. I am trying to change.”

HT DWolkin


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