Immigrant & Migrant Worker Issues in Israel


Longtime residents of some south Tel Aviv neighborhoods angrily protest the influx of foreign workers and asylum seekers. (Jerusalem Post)

A majority of Israel’s 300,000 foreign workers are women, and they face a wider range of difficulties than men. For example: “pregnancy means a foreign worker must choose between her visa and her baby. If Israeli authorities discover that a migrant laborer has given birth here, she automatically loses her legal status.” (Jerusalem Post)

How is it that “many of the same people against deporting illegal non-Jewish immigrants support a Palestinian state for the sake of keeping a Jewish majority in Israel?” Peace advocates also stress the need for officially recognized borders for the Palestinians “but are indifferent to the sieve-like quality of our official border with Egypt.” (Ha’aretz)

Does the hiring of illegal foreign workers really take jobs away from Israelis? (Ha’aretz)

Israel believes that it can use ex-soldiers to replace foreign construction workers. (Jerusalem Post)

Meet three Ukrainian women whose family saved Jews during the Holocaust (and were recognized as Righteous Among the Nations) who now fear deportation from Israel. (Ha’aretz)

Says Yossi Sarid: “Instead of launching a xenophobic media campaign, the government should publish “thank you” notices for the aliens living among us. Without them–cutting trees, pumping water and wiping the asses of the feeble among us – the state would grind to a halt. The helpless would be abandoned.” (Ha’aretz)

Israel has some 1,200 children of illegal migrant workers, and Israel hopes to expel them this summer. A look at the controversy. (Tablet)


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