Last week, we showed you our little video explaining what exactly a sukkah is (What? I’m posting it again at the end of this post? How convenient…).
We filmed our video down in Union Square where they were holding the Sukkah City Competition (two designers featured in our video ended up winning). And while you got to see some quick shots of the awesome sukkahs, that really wasn’t the point of the video.
So if all you wanted to see was amazing footage of the coolest sukkahs you will ever see, The Forward has got you covered. They made a REALLY awesome video of the entire event. I highly recommend checking it out. And then watch our video again.
Union Square’s High-Concept Sukkahs from Jewish Forward on Vimeo.
Pronounced: SOO-kah (oo as in book) or sue-KAH, Origin: Hebrew, the temporary hut built during the Harvest holiday of Sukkot.