
Between Chaos and Order

The biblical narrative of Korach's rebellion offers a deep lesson about how to emerge from challenging times.

Shabbat 111

The path to exemption.

Shabbat 110

Do not try this at home.

Shabbat 107

Irreversible wounds.

Praying for the Government

The tradition of praying for the government reflects a recognition that Jewish welfare is bound up with that of the nations in which Jews live.

S’lach Lanu: An Everyday Prayer for Forgiveness

There is a crucial difference between feeling ashamed of our shortcomings and feeling shame about our unworthiness.

The Perils of Groupthink

The story of the spies offers an object lesson in the importance of diversity -- and the danger of homogeneity.

Shabbat 105

Tearing up on Shabbat.
