
Shabbat 82

You have teeth where?

Songs for Solitude

Three Hebrew language greats offer us very different poetic perspectives on isolation.

Shabbat 81

There must be a good reason.

Shabbat 80

Dangerous teaching.

Tikkun Leil Shavuot Live with My Jewish Learning

Join MJL for a night of live online Torah study beginning at 8:00 PM Eastern on May 28.

A Jewish Guide to Dealing With Loneliness

Human loneliness is baked into the fabric of creation, but we do have tools to lessen its sting.

Shabbat 79

Hardware and software.

Shabbat 78

Shabbat is not for angels.

Shabbat 77

The 2000 year old man.

Shabbat 76

Are we really studying carrying again?
