
Partner Blogs

A guide to Jewish blog content on My Jewish Learning.

Why is Moses Kept Out of the Tabernacle?

How the deepest intimacy can be both binding and freeing.

Engaging the Heart

Each one of us is a craftsman, building our destiny.

Guide to Weekly Torah Commentaries Online

Where to find podcasts, videos and essays on the week's portion.

Antisemitism 101

What you need to know about the world's oldest hatred.

Guide to Jewish Holiday Prayers

What liturgy goes with which holiday, and where you can find it.

Shiva: What You Need to Know

Questions and answers about traditions for the seven-day Jewish mourning period.

A Recipe for the High Priests to Follow

Ritual is an antidote to chaos.

Queen Esther: Destiny’s Child

The Purim story is a reminder of our essential power for human agency.

Israeli Settlements: Questions and Answers

An overview of these Jewish communities in the West Bank — and why they are so controversial.
