
The Bar Kochba Revolt

Messianic figure Simeon Bar Kochba led the Jews in a failed revolt against Roman rule.

Avot d’Rabbi Natan

A companion volume to Pirkei Avot.

Leonard Cohen: Poet, Prophet, Eternal Optimist

A famous songwriter whose novels and poems explored Jewish identity and spirituality.

Must One Honor an Abusive Parent?

While honoring parents is a core Jewish value, so is protecting one's health and well-being.

Domestic Violence in Jewish Law

How Judaism views wifebeating.

Teaching Tzedakah to Children

Using your common cents.

Abraham, the Patriarch of Three Faiths

Christianity and Islam share a reverence for Judaism's patriarch.

Architecture in Israel

Integrating the European and the Middle Eastern.

The Talmud Goes to College

Ancient Jewish law and legend embraced by the academy.

Responding to Genocide

Jewish perspectives on the responsibility to protect.
