Beth Sholom Continuing Care Campus A senior adult community in Richmond Chaba
St. Louis
Bais Abraham Congregation An Orthodox synagogue in the University Loop area adjacent to Washington University
Kansas City
Chabad-House Center of Kansas City The Kansas City chapter of Chabad-Lubavitch Congregation
Great Plains Hadassah A region of a Jewish women's group which encompasses chapters and groups in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri and part of Iowa
Kansas City/Overland Park
Chabad-House Center of Kansas City The Kansas City chapter of Chabad-Lubavitch Congregation
Great Plains Hadassah A region of a Jewish women's group which encompasses chapters and groups in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri and part of Iowa
American Jewish Committee, Milwaukee Chapter Engaged in promoting pluralism, safeguarding the rights of Jews worldwide, advocating on behalf of Israel, and enriching the q
Beth El Ner Tamid Synagogue A Conservative synagogue in Mequon Chabad Lubavi
Why Jews Hang a Mezuzah on the Doorpost
A mezuzah declares: The people who dwell here live Jewish lives.
Health and Healing
Links to websites about Jewish health and healing