Aleph Bet Jewish Day School An independent Jewish day school offering with preschool and K-6 programs
Jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon Aims to educate its members in the techniques for researching their Jewish family history
Tragedy of the Commons
A Jewish perspective on a seminal essay of the modern environmentalist movement
What Maimonides Means to Me
Beyond just his great volume of work, inspiration from the life of the
International Jewish Music
Jews have wandered the world over, and sometimes all that wandering gets packed into one song.
Secular Jewish Music
The category of secular Jewish music is as elusive as it is important. It may be broadly defined as any music used primarily by Jews in non-liturgical contexts, and also includes Sephardic and Ashkenazic music.
Shabbat in the Community
Overview of Shabbat in the Community. Weekly Holy Day. Jewish Shabbat.
What Is An Eruv?
The eruv is a boundary that allows observant Jews to carry needed things in public on Shabbat.