
Speaking to God

Prayer means learning how to speak with God

Santa Fe

Beit Tikva A Reform synagogue in Santa Fe Chabad Jewish Center of Santa Fe The Sant

Los Alamos

Los Alamos Jewish Center An unaffiliated congregation in Los Alamos, New Mexico   Back to Ne

Las Cruces

New Mexico State University Hillel Aims to provide social and cultural opportunities for NMSUs Jewish students, faculty and staff


Chabad of New Mexico The Albuquerque chapter of Chabad-Lubavitch Congregation Albert A Reform

New Mexico

New Mexico Jewish Link A Jewish newspaper serving New Mexico New Mexico Jewish Historic

The Evil Within

The Torah commands us to remember the Amalekites.

The Book of Esther’s Violent Ending

When an oppressed group massacres others.

The Pope on the Jews

John Paul II put great emphasis on improving Catholic-Jewish relations.

Tobi Kahn

Seeing & ceremony.
