
The 4 Most Important Things the Maccabees Teach Us

Lessons in hope, courage, purity, and faith, from the Maccabees and the Hanukkah miracles.

How to Find the Right Synagogue for You

What you need to consider as you go "shul shopping."

50 Questions to Ask When Shul-Shopping

What to look for when joining a synagogue.

Jewish-Christian Dialogue: The Next Stage

Christians and Jews must rethink how they approach each other.

Jewish Pluralism & Peoplehood

A biblical model of reconciliation can help bring Jews and Christians together.

How to Plan a Jewish Wedding

A checklist of 7 things to consider, from clergy to chuppah.

Kashering Pots & Pans

Readying cooking vessels for a kosher kitchen

Kashering Utensils

Boiling water--with the occasional submersion in dirt

Kashering Dishes

Get your water boiling.

Keeping Kosher: A Personal Perspective

Boundaries, rules, cravings, and keeping my kashrut fresh
