
Kashering Stoves And Ovens

Very high heat for these cooking appliances

Kashering Cabinets, Drawers, and Countertops

Different opinions from different movements and rabbis

Kashering Sinks

How do you make your sink kosher?

Kashering (Making Kosher)

How to make your kitchen kosher.

Judaism and the Homeless

Jewish law demands that everyone have adequate and permanent housing.

Prayer as a Way of Being

Beyond services and synagogue, the challenge of living a prayerful life

American vs. Jewish Values

American-Jewish may sound natural, but the hyphen hides deep contradictions.

Rights & Responsibilities

One is American, the other Jewish--but they are not in contradiction.

Double Ring Ceremonies

How the bride can give the groom a ring without halakhic (Jewish law) problems.

Toward a More Balanced Wedding Ceremony

Envisioning ceremonies that respect modern gender roles and adhere strictly to tradition.
