
Peace Will Be Established

An excerpt from the 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt

Judaism and Stealing: What if it’s only a tiny theft?

The ways we justify theft cannot free us of its corrupting influence.

A Spiritual Shabbat Orientation

How to achieve that extra measure of soulfulness that marks the Sabbath.

Food Blessings

I have to eat in holiness and purity, because I am doing God's will by eating.

Instructed To Curse, Inspired To Bless

He came to curse, and ended up reciting a blessing so beautiful it is prominent in our liturgy.

Blessing the New Moon

The ritual of blessing the moon is not widely practiced--but carries deep spiritual meaning.

How Not to Comfort Mourners

The worst things to say to someone who is grieving.

What To Say When Comforting Mourners

Traditional Jewish words of consolation.

The Chabad Rebbe’s Yahrtzeit: The Third of Tammuz

Remembering the death of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

U.N. Security Council Resolution 242

The United Nations responds to Israel's territorial gains in the Six Day War.
