
My Heart Is in the East

A poem by Judah Halevi.

What About the Land?

Early rabbinic literature does not devote much attention to the uniqueness of the Land of Israel.

Body of Land

In "escstatic" mysticism, the Land of Israel is a metaphor for the human body.

Mystical Israel

Medieval kabbalah offers various approaches to the Land of Israel.

A Demanding Land

With God's promise of the Land to the Israelites came responsibilities and consequences.

Opposition From the Left

In viewing Judaism as a religion and not a nation, Reform Judaism saw the early Zionist movement as a threat.

Abraham Isaac Kook

A radical Orthodox rabbi, poet and mystic who devoted his life to synthesizing some of the most complex and contradictory trends in Jewish tradition.

Homeless At Home

In the book of Genesis, the patriarchs gained possession but not control of the Land of Israel.

Passive vs. Active Immigration

In 13th-century mysticism, two streams of thought emerged regarding the Land of Israel.

Maimonides on Israel

Rambam believed the Land of Israel does not have objective importance.
