
Silent Deliberations

We should learn to react with humanity.

Jacob and His Two Wives

The emotional struggles of our ancestors can help guide us today.

Did Esau Have ADD/ADHD?

It is important to see the value in Esau as well as Jacob.

Memories of Mother

After Sarah's death, Isaac sees his mother live on in the values and person of his wife, Rebecca.

Life, Death and Impurity

Ritual purity laws highlight the power of confronting mortality and the subsequent need to ritualize the reaffirmation of life.

Being Held to a Higher Standard

In biblical times and today, religious leaders must be paragons of righteousness.

Balancing the Needs of Home and Community

Why did Abraham beg for mercy for the city of Sodom but not for his son Isaac?

Why Do Jews Send Mishloach Manot on Purim?

It is customary to send Purim gifts to friends and strangers.

Who Was Elie Wiesel?

This Nobel-winning Holocaust survivor brought the Holocaust and its survival to the American public.

History of Jewish Prayer

History of Jewish Prayer. Jews Addressing God. Jewish Praying.
