
The Word Made Animate

Seeking the living soul of our sacred texts.

Torah Like Water

A creative interpretation yields a valuable lesson about the vital importance of Torah to the Jewish people.

The Darkness

The power of the final plagues.

Cantorial Music

Learning to appreciate hazzanut (cantorial music)

Yossele Rosenblatt’s Later Career

The talented cantor Yossele Rosenblatt (1882-1933) becomes an international star.

Yossele Rosenblatt

The cantor whose religious observance led him to reject some offers of fame and fortune.

Work as a Jewish Spiritual Practice

Texts that address the issue of Jewish work.

Avodah: Vocation, Calling, Service

More than just means to make money, our jobs can be one vehicle for setting the world right.

Thanks When Thanks Are Due

A Midrash on the 10 plagues reminds us to recognize any good that has been done for us.

Symbolic Names

The name Gershom, and the word for Hebrew, Ivri, carry a message about what it means to be Jewish.
