Power to Teach. Power to Prevent?
Exploitation and moral responsibility in Holocaust filmmaking
Holocaust Films
As the number of Holocaust-themed films grow, many questions arise from the attempt to depict this tragedy on screen.
Schindler’s List
Spielberg's masterpiece focuses on an enigmatic non-Jewish businessman and the Jews whom he saved during the Holocaust.
Jewish Movies
Films and television shows are comfortable with Jewish themes and characters--and, often, with distorting Judaism.
Mideast Peace: A Road Map
A U.S.-led effort to stem the violence that dominates Israeli-Palestinian relations.
Avoiding Yesterday’s Mistakes in Israel-Palestine Peace
The Road Map to Peace attempted to avoid the problems that the Oslo Accords had encountered.
Mideast Peace: Paving the Way
Earlier U.S. plans for Israel-Palestine peace attempted to stop the violence but failed.
Judaism At Home
The home is central to Jewish practice and values.