
The Book of Chronicles

The final book of the Bible recounts the nation's history, but what it emphasizes and de-emphasizes is telling.


Eicha, the Book of Lamentations, asks important questions that address the theological crisis following the Jewish exile.

Isaiah 40-66: Return and Restoration

In Isaiah 40-66, the prophet(s) built on the theological paradigms of Isaiah ben Amoz (Isaiah 1-39).

Ezra and Nehemiah

Those who returned from Babylonia sought to reclaim Judah's former glory, despite major challenges.

Biblical Wisdom Literature

Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes.

Helping Children of Different Ages Cope with a Death

Adults help children most when they express their own sorrow and respond to questions in a truthful, yet age-appropriate way.

Hosea & Amos: Prophets to the North

Hosea and Amos share prophetic concern for a nation in turmoil.

The Book of Samuel

The Book of Samuel tells of the rise of the Davidic monarchy

Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakk

They struggled to reconcile the words of earlier prophets.

The Golden Calf

As commonly understood, this biblical narrative condemns the first violation of the prohibition against idolatry--but it's not that simple.
