
Elijah & Elisha

Two popular and enigmatic prophets

Halakhah: The Laws of Jewish Life

Halakhah is the "way" a Jew is directed to behave, encompassing civil, criminal and religious law.


Despite the cynical tone of Ecclesiastes, it has been given a place of joy and honor in the Jewish cycle of readings.

Isaiah ben Amoz: Political Prophet (Isaiah: 1-39)

Isaiah's greatness lies not only in his ethical teachings, but in his central involvement — and prophetic intervention — in the political events of his day.

All About Esther

The book of Esther is not a historical document in the usual sense--but that doesn't undermine its importance as a religious book in the Jewish canon.

The Conventions of Biblical Poetry

A brief introduction to the devices and characteristics of this biblical genre.

Who Was Rashi?

The most widely read Jewish Bible commentator, he also wrote a running commentary to the Babylonian Talmud.

Gleanings: The Moon And Rosh Chodesh

Jewish texts about the moon and Rosh Chodesh.

Leviticus 19

This climactic chapter emphasizes the obligation to be holy in our dealings with our fellow human beings.

Joel: Misplaced Prophet of the Locust Plague

Joel vividly portrays the dependence of human life upon God's favor.
