Tale of Two Talmuds: Jerusalem and Babylonian
The two versions of the Talmud developed simultaneously in the two major Jewish communities of the rabbinic era.
The Book of Exodus
The book of Exodus tells the tale of Israel's liberation and birth, and of the beginning of God's covenanted nation.
Seder Zeraim (Agriculture)
Some of the mishnaic laws related to agriculture remain directly relevant for contemporary urban and suburban lives.
The Book of Deuteronomy
The biblical book whose law and theology most directly shaped later Judaism.
Ketuvim (Writings)
The third section of the Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible, includes poetry, philosophy, history and stories.
Prophets (Nevi’im)
Nevi’im (the Prophets section of the Bible) presents Israel's history as a nation on its land.
The 12 Minor Prophets
Twelve "minor prophets" form one "book" concluding the Prophets, the middle section of the Hebrew Bible.
The Book of Psalms
These 150 Hebrew poems are central to Jewish prayer and the inspiration for countless forms of creative expression in Western culture.
Seder Nezikin (Damages)
Universal interpersonal and societal issues, rather than Jewish ritual law, are the main subject of Seder Nezikin.