Role of the Shiva Minyan
The daily prayer services in the mourner's home offer community and connection to those facing devastating loss.
How To Sit Shiva
During this Jewish mourning custom, the entire physical environment of the mourner is transformed to acknowledge the immediacy of death.
Buying Truth, Speaking Truth, Acknowledging Truth
Selections from traditional sources
Fixed Prayer and Spontaneity
Reconciling the experience of repeatedly praying from an established text with the need for prayer to come from the heart.
Halakhah: Sources and Development
From biblical law, through classic rabbinic debate and medieval law codes, and continuing in the modern period, Jewish law has undergone constant development.
The Book of Chronicles
The final book of the Bible recounts the nation's history, but what it emphasizes and de-emphasizes is telling.
Eicha, the Book of Lamentations, asks important questions that address the theological crisis following the Jewish exile.
Isaiah 40-66: Return and Restoration
In Isaiah 40-66, the prophet(s) built on the theological paradigms of Isaiah ben Amoz (Isaiah 1-39).
Ezra and Nehemiah
Those who returned from Babylonia sought to reclaim Judah's former glory, despite major challenges.