Harmful & Helpful Gossip
A feminist exploration of traditional teachings on gossip
Isaiah 3:1-15 A Commentary
Isaiah decries injustice by the elite against the poor. As a fit punishment, social order will be upset, leaving the people in leaderless chaos.
Jeremiah 7: The Israelites’ "Edifice Complex"
The prophet takes on the people's mistaken assumption that they can safely persist in unethical behavior--and that God would never destroy the Temple.
Reading Genesis as a Book
The story of the family that will become the people of Israel is seen as the focus of a larger, universal history.
The Written Torah and the Oral Torah
According to Jewish tradition, two Torahs were received on Mount Sinai -- one written, and one passed down orally for generations.
Rashi’s Commentaries on the Talmud
The beloved Torah commentator also wrote a much-used commentary on the Talmud.