
Seder Kodashim (Holy Things)

The rabbis restored the religious meaning of the sacrificial cult even though the Temple itself had been destroyed.

Seder Nashim (Women)

Seder Nashim's primary concern is the protection of society's "exceptional" members.

The Book of Kings: Religion Meets Geo-Politics, Ancient Style

The Judean and Israelite monarchies from the rise of King Solomon to the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem.

Book of Numbers

The harsh environment of the wilderness lead to Israel's spiritual development as a nation.

The Latter Prophets

The literary prophets had a difficult and often unpopular mission.

Tale of Two Talmuds: Jerusalem and Babylonian

The two versions of the Talmud developed simultaneously in the two major Jewish communities of the rabbinic era.

The Book of Exodus

The book of Exodus tells the tale of Israel's liberation and birth, and of the beginning of God's covenanted nation.

Seder Zeraim (Agriculture)

Some of the mishnaic laws related to agriculture remain directly relevant for contemporary urban and suburban lives.

The Book of Deuteronomy

The biblical book whose law and theology most directly shaped later Judaism.

Ketuvim (Writings)

The third section of the Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible, includes poetry, philosophy, history and stories.
