
Prophets (Nevi’im)

Nevi’im (the Prophets section of the Bible) presents Israel's history as a nation on its land.

The 12 Minor Prophets

Twelve "minor prophets" form one "book" concluding the Prophets, the middle section of the Hebrew Bible.

The Book of Psalms

These 150 Hebrew poems are central to Jewish prayer and the inspiration for countless forms of creative expression in Western culture.

Seder Nezikin (Damages)

Universal interpersonal and societal issues, rather than Jewish ritual law, are the main subject of Seder Nezikin.

I.L. Peretz

The contributions of I.L. Peretz to Yiddish literature.

Anti-Semitic Stereotypes of the Jewish Body

Folk beliefs about horns and big noses have served to demonize Jews--and even Jews themselves have not been exempt from distorted images of their bodies.

Why Jews Put Stones on Graves

Although the custom of placing them on a grave probably draws upon pagan customs, the stones also symbolize the permanence of memory.

Smoking, Alcohol, and Drugs

As a culture that values sobriety, individual responsibility, and health, Judaism is wary of substances that may cause more damage than the enjoyment they may bring their users.

What Does Judaism Say About Wine?

Wine is an essential part of major Jewish rituals — but the Torah is also wary of the dangers of over-consumption.

Hamotzi: The Deeper Significance of the Blessing over Bread

These simple words mask a subtle theological statement about the primordial past and the perfected "world to come."
