Jewish Attitudes Toward Eastern Religions
Most traditional authorities dismissed Hinduism as idolatry, but in recent years, some Jews have become more tolerant of certain Eastern religions and practices.
Minyan: The Congregational Quorum
Only in a group of 10 or more adult Jews is there sufficient sanctity to recite certain public prayers.
Jewish Law and Body Piercing: A Conservative Perspective
A Conservative responsum explores the Jewish issues involved.
Music and Jewish Prayer
Music in Jewish worship can be high art or popular song, by solo expression or with group participation.
The Jewish Value of Hospitality
Traditional teachings on being a good host (and guest).
Contemporary Jews and Halakhah
Jews of different stripes differ greatly with respect to their assessment of the role Jewish law should play today—and each camp has much to learn from the others.
Gemilut Hasadim 101
Lovingkindness--the act of caring for others--is a fundamental of Judaism.
Torah Study 101
More than simply a means to learning the content of divinely revealed law, Torah study is an end in itself--according to some, another way of worshipping God.