
Jewish Health & Healing Practices

Jews' close connection to healing, both as patients and physicians, is ancient and rooted in both theology and history.

Jeremiah: Prophet of Judgment and of Hope

Jeremiah's tragic message is conveyed by both his prophecies and account of Jerusalem's destruction, but he also gives his people hope.

The Uniqueness of the Holocaust

For some theologians, the evils of the Holocaust were unique; others believe they can be integrated into traditional theological discourse.

The Way of the Gentiles

The prohibition against non-Jewish practices, might relate to the practices of ancient Egypt, Canaan or the social and philosophical ways of non-Jews today.

Mendele Mokher Seforim

The writing of Mendele Mokher Seforim offers a realistic and honest portrayal of village life.


Celebrating menopause breaks the silences of a lifetime and forges a future of openness and sharing.


This ceremony uses elements of Jewish and other traditions to share a sense of possibility and openness with a newly menstruant girl.

The Noahide Laws

Seven commandments which, according to Jewish tradition, are incumbent upon all of humankind.

Feminism and Jewish Prayer

A variety of views on changing masculine bias in Jewish liturgy.

How to Be a Host, How to Be a Guest

Jewish ethical literature provides practical, down-to-earth guidelines on how to behave towards one's guests and towards one's hosts.
