
Jewish Feminist Theology: A Survey

From theologies that address the male-ness of God to ones that address the femininity of males.

Halakhah and Feminism

Traditional Judaism can--and should--embrace feminism to allow for greater equality in Jewish religious life.

Historic Jewish Views on Christianity

Theological attitudes toward Christianity have changed over time in response to social and political developments.

Orthodox Judaism Today

With rising numbers and increasingly stringent observance, Orthodoxy thrives even as it faces challenges.

Raising a Jewish-Chinese Daughter in North America

As Jews adopt children in increasing numbers, many of these children come from abroad.

Interfaith Families

With intermarriage an acknowledged part of the American landscape, the only remaining debate is how to respond to interfaith unions.

New Jewish Lifecycle Rituals

New Jewish rituals give meaning to formerly private moments and integrate the ritual-maker into the Jewish community.

Exorcising the Get: A Ritual of Healing

The author created a ritual to exorcise the pain she experienced when she was required to receive her get with utter passivity.

Jewish Feminist Thought

Jewish feminist thought seeks to create theological narratives that merge Judaism with feminist values.
