Leonard Bernstein: Jewish America’s Favorite (Musical) Son
A celebrated American composer, conductor, teacher, and pianist who infused his work with his Jewish heritage
The Tosafot
The Tosafists continued the conversation with their glosses on the text of the Talmud.
Cantillation: Chanting, or Leyning, the Bible
Today the Bible is chanted in synagogues with an intricate musical system, but the practice began with one man projecting in a marketplace.
Synagogue Music in the Modern Era
Changes are taking place in the leadership, participation, melodies, and instruments that are found in the synagogue.
Hasidism’s Many Critics: Mitnagdim and Maskilim
Traditionalists as well as modernists opposed Hasidism on social, theological and cultural grounds.
Hasidic Movement: A History
This Orthodox spiritual revivalist movement emerged in 18th-century Eastern Europe.