
Ancient Israelites: Society & Lifestyle

Two main social structures competed in ancient Israel. The people were united under the monarchy, which organized the state for administrative and taxation purposes. At the same time, the Israelites held fast to their tribal associations.

2500 BCE to 539 BCE: The Story

Jewish History from the beginning through the Babylonian exile.

Let’s Talk About Sects

The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes on law.

Jewish Sects

In the Second Temple period.

Praying for the Welfare of the State of Israel

While following a tradition of praying for the government, this prayer has some significant differences.

The Heavenly Jerusalem

An idealized Jerusalem arose out of the ashes of the Temple's destruction and the city's ruins.

Modern Jewish Holidays 101

There are a handful of holidays that entered Jewish life in the latter half of the 20th century.

Parenting Lessons from Jewish Sources

Rabbinic readings of biblical stories suggest some pitfalls to be avoided in raising children.

Collective Memory Today

Recent historical events have lead to new archetypes.

Collective Memory

Communal remembering was constructed on the basis of traditional Jewish archetypes.
