Jewish Minor Fasts 101
The four minor fast days are not as restrictive as Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av.
The Religious Status of Yom Ha’atzmaut
Within Israel and in the greater Jewish world there are differing views as to whether there is a religious nature to Israel's Independence Day.
The Biblical Jerusalem
Biblical texts present Jerusalem as a concrete city and also begin to develop it as an abstract symbol.
Is Grief a Communal or a Personal Affair?
Tensions exist between national observance and private remembrance on Yom Hazikaron, Israel's Memorial Day.
Jewish Marriage
Jewish marriage is not merely a secular legal partnership, but a union sanctified by God.
Is Civil Divorce Enough?
The liberal movements who have held that a civil divorce constitutes a get, or Jewish divorce, are finding that on an emotional, religious level, it's just not enough.
Contemporary Wedding Issues
An overview of contemporary issues encountered in Jewish marriage: same-sex marriages, egalitarianism, prenuptial agreements, etc.
Coming Out
This ceremony ritually celebrates the moment that homosexuals, bisexuals, or transsexuals publicly declare their sexual identities.