Reconstructionist Judaism Offers Egalitarian Divorce Options
In addition to the traditional get (bill of divorce) granted by the husband, Reconstructionism offers a woman-initiated get and a mutual get.
Sarah in the Bible
How historical evidence shapes our understanding of this biblical matriarch.
The Shiur Komah: Imaging the Divine
A text's physical description of God might actually have been intended to emphasize God's indescribability.
What Is Chabad?
This once small Hasidic group has grown to unparalleled global influence.
Heaven and Hell in Jewish Tradition
Jewish sources are conflicted about what happens after we die.
Jewish-Christian Relations Today
Though Jews and Christians have had a complicated and tense relationship, relations today are better than ever.
Spinoza and the Philosophical Impossibility of a Chosen People
Jewish chosenness is not a metaphysical reality. It derives from the conditions of a particularly prosperous period in Israelite history.