New Rituals: Continuity, Tradition, and Authenticity
The viability of new Jewish rituals will ultimately be determined by their continued presence in the Jewish community.
Surrendering to the Romans
The remarkable parallels in the stories of Josephus' and Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai's surrenders to the Romans reveal more about Jewish memory than Jewish history.
Philo Judaeus: Philosophical Pilgrim
Philo worked to reconcile Hellenism and the Hebrew Scriptures.
The Synagogue and the Study House
These two institutions reflect the dynamism and the tensions in late antique Jewish society.
Creating the Canon
The process and the product of the canonization of the Bible became the basis for a varied tradition of interpretation.
Covenant and Chosenness
According to some interpreters, the Jews chose to be chosen.
Before the Jewish Wedding Ceremony
Before the wedding, bride and groom are feted, the bride is veiled, and the groom dons a shroud-like garment.