
Mikveh Before the Wedding

The whys and hows of immersing in the Jewish ritual bath before going under the chuppah.

Tenaim: The Conditions of Marriage

Contemporary couples are reinterpreting an old ceremony that set the financial and logistical arrangements for an upcoming marriage

The Free Will Problem: Modern Solutions

Modern thinkers have addressed the free will problem by questioning the authority of science, acknowledging the limits of freedom, and asserting the transcendent importance of choice.

Three Prenuptial Agreements That Just Might Work

Three prenuptial marriage protection agreements have been accepted by Orthodox rabbis as fulfilling halakhah (Jewish law).

The Ketubah Text (Part 2)

The second part of the ketubah (marriage contract) details the additional gift promised by the groom, the lien on his property, and the acquisition sealing the contract.

The Ketubah Text

The traditional Aramaic text of the ketubah (marriage contract) reflects the history of Jewish marriage.

The Ketubah, or Jewish Marriage Contract

The ketubah is an ancient contract delineating the obligations of the husband to his wife.

Marriage & God

As part of God's creation, Jewish marriage creates a spiritual connection between human beings and with God.

The Aufruf, A Pre-Wedding Aliyah

Either the groom or the couple is called up to the Torah for an aliyah on the Sabbath before their wedding.

Jewish Memory

For Jews, memory is not just individual, but also communal.
