Tisha B’Av 101
Tisha B'Av, the ninth day of the month of Av, is the major day of communal mourning in the Jewish calendar.
Fast Days for Repentance & Atonement
The Jewish calendar has a number of such days in addition to Yom Kippur.
Can A Woman Initiate Jewish Divorce Proceedings?
Under certain circumstances a woman may request that a Jewish court compel the husband to perform the acts required for a Jewish divorce.
Contemporary Activism to Save Agunot
An activist for agunot traces her development from demonstrator to promoter of prenuptial agreements that help protect women in the event of a divorce.
Potential Solutions to the Agunah Problem
Orthodox and Conservative rabbis have worked to create solutions within the Jewish framework, including prenuptial agreements and retroactive annulment.
Teaching the Holocaust
This history lesson stirs controversy in many educational settings.
The Divorced-Parent Family & the Synagogue Community
When the synagogue is welcoming, the newly divorced begin to overcome their inhibitions about reconnecting to the Jewish community.
Halitzah: The Ceremonial Release from Levirate Marriage
This rarely performed ritual releases a man from the obligation of marrying his deceased brother's childless wife.